Ab Initio

And so it begins…
The first post, the first entry, the first Mind Story that finds its way into this world. The start of something new. Alike the first brush strokes on a blank canvas or the first pencil sketches on a notepad. A chord struck, filling a silent room with sound, the lighting of a candle in the dark. A seed sprouting, breaking through the soil, leaves and stem drawn to sunlight.

For some time now I have been building this platform and found myself consistently changing its appearance. Never fully satisfied with the visual representation, I kept postponing the actual ‘launch’ of Mind Stories, because it seemed there was always something more that needed adding or changing. Only recently it hit me; the desire to change, renew, make alterations, will probably always be there… So instead of waiting for the right moment (which may never come), I set myself a deadline. That date has come. Today I send my first entry into the digital atmosphere. Voilà.

The finalism of sharing my words with the world still feels somewhat unnerving. Uncertainty, doubt, and reservation passing through me. Yet on the contrary I feel a burning desire to do so. Still I find myself questioning the worth of the content that finds its way through my fingertips onto the page. But then again, that’s me; always one foot on the accelerator, one foot on the break … A sensitive, but determined spirit. However when inspiration ignites and ideas start take shape, I can feel its power. When the words do find themselves in written form, I can feel its discharge, destined, as if a wave of energy finds its way out of confinement. It feels right. And thus, when in doubt I try embracing the following source of motivation:

And so I will try to capture and share thoughts, experiences, memories, fantasies, feelings, ideas and art in whatever way. Getting back to writing as I once wrote journals, poems, lyrics, letters, songs and stories.

I noticed that I often find myself looking for the right words or expressions. Struggling to appropriately formulate what I intend to say. With that comes the realization that I have much to learn in the art of writing. And thus I aim to train my writing-muscle, because it’s said that practice makes perfect. And repetition is the mother of skill.

Often I associate a specific songs or certain lyrics with my current state of being, experiences or environment. I may feel that a particular piece of music or certain sung words would emphasize that particular situation. As a soundtrack to that specific moment. Sometimes songs get stuck in my head and may act as the foundation for new scenes and stories.

Consequently arose the idea to conclude entries with specific song titles and lyrics. Music that for me, resonates with what I am trying to express…

I want to have the same last dream again,
The one where I wake up and I’m alive.
Just as the four walls close me within,
My eyes are opened up with pure sunlight.

Hey you, here I am,
And here we go, life’s waiting to begin…

The Adventure – Angels and Airwaves