
Aaargh, brutal day. This morning the lethargic, woozy and overall feeling of tiredness had not disappeared. The day had barely started and I was already dreading hiking out. Unfortunately under the general (and sometimes relentless) thru-hiking theme: ‘fall behind, left behind’, there was really not much to do but just start to put one foot in front of the other. I made the rounds to shoot a couple of photo’s of everybody waking up, and then started hiking along the hillsides.

The first seven miles to the first water source passed in a blur, my mind wandering off to several possibilities of why I felt the way I did: was it simply general fatigue, or did I maybe catch a bug or the flu…? Then I figured worrying about it wouldn’t help my cause at all, so I put on an album by Eminem and slightly more immersed in the gangster-rap I made it to the lake, where I was last to join the others for the first break of the day.
The designated spot for lunch would be another 10 miles out, with a major climb in the middle. Once I finally made it to the summit I was pleased, but shattered. The shortness of breath which I had endured yesterday was still there. I’d been hiking for a little under two hours since leaving the previous break-spot, and I checked my progress. I’d done 3 miles… Must have been my slowest pace on the whole of the trail so far. With another 7 miles to go to the lunch spot I was very bummed out now, asking myself if I’d arrive so late as that the others would have already taken off…
Just before arriving at the agreed upon lunch-spot, I rolled my ankle so hard I screamed out in pain. Extremely worried I gently  rotated my ankle in the air, then tried putting some weight on it. It seemed to be okay for now… When I finally stumbled down the hill (lunch was in the valley), luckily the others were still there. I collapsed onto my tyvek and shared with my buddies how hard I’d been eating it all day. After lunch I kinda dozed off a little bit, and pretty soon the others were getting ready to start moving. I was once again the last one out.

The final 7 and somewhat miles I put on a podcast and slowly but steadily made my way up the last climb. The sun was dropping, and so did the temperature, making me feel a little better. After the long day though, my feet started hurting, and this evening I discovered a small hole in the back of one of my socks, rubbing the skin on the backside of my ankle raw. The final mile an ache in my knee started acting up, making me very aware of my footing, careful to not make it worse. I finally arrived at the campsite around 1930, utterly exhausted and so relieved the hiking for today was over.

Today had been one of those days which would be best not to not linger on. Let’s hope the nights sleep will help resolve some of my aches, such that tomorrow will be more enjoyable. The day had truly been another physical and mental challenge testing my resolve.
The PCT really is a fierce feat of nature.

Rethink everything
Sorry don’t mean the same
Won’t remember my name
So easy for anything
Love me like you complain
And oh, oh

Why do we all get it wrong? oh
You were right all along
I’m a cry baby
And do you cry baby?
I’m where I belong
I don’t know what you’re on
I’m a cry baby
And do you cry baby? oh

Crybaby – Fickle Friends