Down the many steps


Recently I was walking along a trail, winding its way through a green forestry area. The trail lay close to a public garden and with it being a warm day, there were many people about. Here, the trail closely hugged the slope of a hillside, weaving its way through the many trees. As I came around a bend, I approached a grandfather with his two grandchildren. The little blonde boy, about 5 years old and full of energy, was fluttering all over the the place. Beaming excitedly, pointing to and naming all the interesting things that caught his eyes. Tree trunks, flowers, boulders and waterways, nothing escaped the young child’s attention. For all things yet to learn, he fired his questions wise grandfathers way, eagerly awaiting the answers. I smiled, and though to myself. “Children truly are the masters of mindfulness, and very much teachers without realizing so.” The granddaughter, about three years of age, was clutching grandfathers hand tightly as they together slowly shuffled down the path. They took their time scurrying down each one of the many steps, the little girls face bearing a frown of deep concentration. One deliberately well-placed foot at a time, she stepped down off a step. And another. And then another. I drew a little closer. The trail was narrow here. I sensed grandfathers intention to gather both his grandchildren closely, to steer them to the side of the trail. Such that I could pass their little entourage and continue at my own pace. He looked up, never letting go of his granddaughters’ hand, and excused himself:

“Ah.. as you see, we’re not moving all that fast….”

With a reassuring smile, I told the grandfather that this was really quite alright, and that he needn’t worry.
There was simply no need to interfere with the brave granddaughters endeavor of walking down the many, many steps. Which I had noticed was quite a challenge for her indeed. I just kept slowly striding behind them, eyeing grandfather and granddaughter, as he guided her with the grace of an angel. I sank into a walking meditation, as the movie of this endearing and loving connection played on before my eyes. The sound of two ladies immersed in conversation, found way to my ears from behind me. I cast a glance over my shoulder, and within a short while the couple hiked along the bend, into sight. They too, had been approaching at steady a pace. A hopeful thought as for them not to disturb our delicate walking ecosystem, shot through my mind. They must have sensed the serenity of our little slow-march, for  they decreased their pace and… there came no attempt from them to hurry past. The tranquility parade had grown two larger. They had tuned into our frequency and joined the no-haste bubble. I enjoyed the clear sounds of the grandchildren’s voices, grandfathers reassuring words, the bright light of the warm day flickering through the green that surrounded us. The trail wound down to a clearing, and then, after a beautiful long while, grandfather and granddaughter stepped off the last of the many wooden steps. Granddaughter was radiating; a bright look of victory spread across her face. Grandfather turned around to face me, and spoke with a warm smile:

“Thank you for your patience”

And from the depths of my heart I answered:

“Thank you, for presenting me with the opportunity to slow down…”